At Your Fingertips, LLC

Computers | Websites | Business VoIP


At Your Fingertips provides a wide range of computing services designed to secure and protect your information technology infrastructure. We will highlight three of them at this time: IT Consulting Services, Computer Services and Web Services. In the coming months, we will focus on other amenities we provide so you can Tap into Our Services.

Information Technology Consultation

Technology is complex and often difficult to interpret. At Your Fingertips is here to help you sort out fact from fiction and make choices that make sense for you. Don’t be fooled by sales people whose only goal is to sell their products. How do you really know it will work in your environment? How do you know you are paying a fair market rate? These are just two of the many questions that should be asked. At At Your Fingertips, we know what to ask, arrive at conclusions based in fact and will make certain your products work as designed.

Computer Support Services

Computers come in all shapes, sizes and price ranges. How do you know what to buy? How do you know the repair will work or is worth what it costs? At Your Fingertips' answer is not driven by sales quotas or goals. We recommend and implement solutions that make sense for dependability and longevity. We also know what causes problems and we are here to help you minimize service interruptions and unnecessary downtime.

Website Design & Programming

At Your Fingertips provides all the supportive services associated with creating a successful website. We know what’s required and we have a team of professionals to support you. We help you establish the foundation for your site, determine and select the features you need, choose the look and feel that is right for you, customize the site to meet these specifications and expectations and help you incorporate written content that professionally represents your business. You can trust At Your Fingertips to create a website you can be proud of and on which you can depend. 


At Your Fingertips provides a wide range of services to meet all your information technology needs


At Your Fingertips delivers professional websites at a fraction of the normal cost using state of the art web templates created by talented website designers from around the world.


VoIP telephone has become a mainstream service, in use by cost and technology savvy business all over the word.

What sets us apart from the competition?

We take the time to get to know you and your business. We don't just talk, more importantly, we listen.

We offer a wide range of services to minimize redundancy and improve efficiency.

We recommend and employ technologies to meet your needs now and in the future.

We understand the importance of utilizing information technology both at work and home.

Our team brings decades of experience to the computer service industry.

We are available 24/7, on site and remotely to support you and your business.

Did You Know?

Smoke can harm your computer 

Smoke can harm your computer. The smoke can adhere to the hard drive and destroy all your data, leaving your data completely unrecoverable. Designate the room with your computer equipment a "No Smoking Zone" to preserve your equipment and reduce the risk of data loss.

Your computer can recover from a liquid spill

Turn off your computer immediately. Rotate your computer in such a way that the liquid flows away from the components. Let the liquid leak onto a dry towel or paper towels. Change the towel(s) regularly to ensure the moisture is not sitting and going back into the computer. Once the obvious moisture is absorbed, call us and make arrangements to get your computer to us as soon as possible. While we cannot guarantee we can save your PC, we will do all we can to save your computer and/or data. Getting your computer to us sooner is truly much better than later.

Chain emails are not safe 

Chain emails can be an opportunity for hackers and spammers to gain valid email addresses. When you get a chain email, do everyone a favor and delete it. Don’t subject anyone else to any more spam than they already get.

You should create the recovery discs right away when you purchase a new computer

These discs can save money and time in the event of a hardware failure. If you don’t make the discs right away, the image used to create the discs can be lost or corrupted and unusable. To ensure you get a usable image, make the discs right away and put them in a secure location you will remember in the event they are needed at a later date.

You need to backup your data regularly 

If you create documents, add pictures or add music to your computer, this is critical. In the event there is a hardware failure that affects your hard drive, your data may be lost forever. Back up your data to an external hard drive, the cloud or CD/DVDs. The more frequently you do it the less loss you will suffer when a problem occurs. We recommend automated backups either on a local external hard drive or in the cloud to ensure the backup is done. And if you use a local external hard drive, store it at another location in the event there is a theft, fire or natural disaster.

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